Themes of the Future

it's just eileen | Sidetrack Studio

Hello :-)

it's just eileen
I’m a Design Engineer creating user experiences and interfaces for WordPress websites and products. With over seven years experience building WordPress solutions, as partner at Sidetrack.Studio and specializing in engineering custom WordPress block solutions.

The New Frontier...

Point of View

Future of Themes

“I think that we'll always have something called themes and something like a theme users, I think it's really key that there's something called a theme that allows them to get a head start on beautiful design that, that they don't have to start from scratch and design themselves.”

Matt Mullenweg, February 2020

Point of View

The Big Question

As this space evolves, how can we work with what is available today making our themes block enabled, while also preparing for the next generation of theme building?

Point of View

What is Gutenberg Enabled?

Any theme that takes advantage of Gutenberg Theme Supports for Block rendering in the Editor and on the Front End.

Point of View

Check out these Gutenberg Enabled Themes

go-theme chaplin-theme atomic-blocks-theme

What Makes Gutenberg Enabled Themes Different?

Theme Supports

Block Templates

Theme Supports

Theme Supports

The Basics

The Block Editor provides new functionality to take advantage of Gutenberg blocks.

Theme Supports

Add Theme Supports

Editor Color Palette

Editor Text Size Palette

Responsive Embeds

Frontend & Editor Styles

Dark Mode

Theme Supports

Editor Color Palette

						function sideways_setup_theme_supported_features() {
										'name'  => __( 'sidetrack purple', 'themeLangDomain' ),
										'slug'  => 'sidetrack-purple',
										'color' => '#773B7A',
						add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'sideways_setup_theme_supported_features' );					
Theme Supports

Opt In Features

The block editor also provides opt-in opinionated styles you can access.

Theme Supports

Default Block Styles

add_theme_support( 'wp-block-styles' );

Core blocks include default styles. The styles are enqueued for editing but are not enqueued for viewing unless the theme opts-in to the core styles.

Theme Supports

Wide Alignment

					add_theme_support( 'align-wide' );

Some blocks such as the image block have the possibility to define a “wide” or “full” alignment by adding the corresponding classname to the block’s wrapper ( alignwide or alignfull ).

Theme Supports


Short image caption.

The block editor adds additional markup to floated images and images with captions to make styling them easier.

Theme Supports

Block Color Palettes

					add_theme_support( 'editor-color-palette', array(
					'name' => __( 'sidetrack dark space', 'themeLangDomain' ),
					'slug' => 'sidetrack-dark-space',
					'color' => '#a156b4',
					'name' => __( 'sidetrack neon purple', 'themeLangDomain' ),
					'slug' => 'sidetrack-neon-purple',
					'color' => '#d0a5db',
					) );

Different blocks have the possibility of customizing colors. The block editor provides a default palette, but a theme can overwrite it and provide its own.

Theme Supports

Deep Dive

name is a human-readable label that appears in the tooltip and provides a meaningful color description.

slug is a unique identifier used to generate the CSS classes for the block editor color palette.

color is the hexadecimal code to specify the color.

Theme Supports

Disable Custom Colors

					add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-colors' );

This flag will make sure users are only able to choose colors from the editor-color-palette the theme provided or from the editor default colors if the theme did not provide one.

Theme Supports

Block Gradient Presets

					'name'     => __( 'Vivid cyan blue to vivid purple', 'themeLangDomain' ),
					'gradient' => 'linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 100%)',
					'slug'     => 'vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple'

Different blocks have the possibility of selecting from a list of predefined gradients. The block editor provides a default gradient presets, but a theme can overwrite them and provide its own

Theme Supports

CSS for Block Gradient Presets

					.has-vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple-gradient-background {
					background: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 100%);

Themes are responsible for creating the classes that apply the gradients. To apply the gradient, implement the corresponding class.

Theme Supports

Deep Dive

name is a human-readable label that appears in the tooltip and provides a meaningful gradient description.

gradient is the CSS value of a gradient applied to a background-image of the block

slug is a unique identifier for the gradient used to generate CSS classes used by the block editor

Theme Supports

Disable Block Gradient

				add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-gradients' );

When set, users will be restricted to the default gradients provided in the block editor or the gradients provided via the editor-gradient-presets theme support setting.

Theme Supports

Block Font Sizes

				add_theme_support( 'editor-font-sizes', array(
				'name' => __( 'Small', 'themeLangDomain' ),
				'size' => 12,
				'slug' => 'small'
				'name' => __( 'Regular', 'themeLangDomain' ),
				'size' => 16,
				'slug' => 'regular'
				) );

Blocks may allow the user to configure the font sizes they use, e.g., the paragraph block. Blocks provide a default set of font sizes, but a theme can overwrite it and provide its own.

Theme Supports

Block Font Sizes

				.has-regular-font-size {
					font-size: 16px;

Themes are responsible for creating the classes that apply the correct font size styles. The class name is built appending ‘has-‘, followed by the font size name using kebab case and ending with -font-size.

Theme Supports

Disable Block Font Sizes


When set, users will be restricted to the default sizes provided in the block editor or the sizes provided via the editor-font-sizes theme support setting.

Theme Supports

Editor styles


The block editor supports the theme’s editor styles, however it works a little differently than in the classic editor.

Theme Supports

Enqueuing the editor style

				add_editor_style( 'style-editor.css' );

Use the add_editor_style function to enqueue and load CSS on the editor screen. For the classic editor, this was the only function needed to add style to the editor.

Theme Supports

Responsive embedded content


Embed blocks automatically apply styles to embedded content to reflect the aspect ratio of content that is embedded in an iFrame. A block styled with the aspect ratio responsive styles would look like.

Theme Supports

Responsive embedded content

				add_theme_support( 'responsive-embeds' );

To make the content resize and keep its aspect ratio, the element needs the wp-embed-responsive class. This is not set by default, and requires the theme to opt in to the responsive-embeds feature.

Block Templates

Block Templates

What are Block Templates?

Block Templates are a set of predefined blocks for content defined in the editor and stored in post_content.

Block Templates

Why Use Block Templates?

Block templates allow theme builders to provide the admin user with guiderails to add content.

They make it easier for the user to get content on the page by limiting the design choices they need to make.

Block Templates block-template-cpt-final
Block Templates block-template-example
Block Templates

Block Templates
vs Page Templates

Block Templates impose structure on post content,
they are unrelated to page templates found in themes.

Block Templates

Block Templates
vs Block Patterns

Block Patterns are a layout grid that allow an admin user to quickly get a layout.

Block Templates

How do we add Block Templates to our Themes?

option 1 Use PHP to associate the Block Template
with a Post Type


option 2 Use JS to create Block Template as a freestanding block that can be inserted anywhere.

Block Templates


				function sidetrack_register_template() {
					$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( 'post' );
					$post_type_object->template = array(
					array( 'core/media-text' ),
					array( 'core/heading' ),
					array( 'core/list' ),
					array( 'core/paragraph' ),
				add_action( 'init', 'sidetrack_register_template' );

Create a function that adds an array of blocks for admin users to populate.

Block Templates


	import { __ }  from '@wordpress/i18n';
	import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
	import {
	} from '@wordpress/block-editor';

		[ 'core/heading', { placeholder: 'Listing Price'} ],
		[ 'core/paragraph', { placeholder: 'Listing Description' } ],
		[ 'core/image', {} ],
		[ 'core/list', { placeholder: 'Property Features' } ],
		[ 'core/gallery', {} ],

	registerBlockType( 'sidetrack/property-template', {
		title: __( 'Sidetreet Property Template', 'sidetrack' ),
		icon: {
			foreground: '#fff',
			background: '#773B7A',
			src: 'multisite',
		category: 'sidetrack',
		attributes: {
			content: {
				type: 'string',

		edit: ( props ) => {
			const { className } = props;
			return (
)} />
); }, save: ( props ) => { const { className } = props; return (
); }, });
Block Templates block-template-block
Block Templates

Custom Post Type

				function sidetrack_register_property_post_type() {
					$args = array(
						'public' => true,
						'label'  => 'Property',
						'template_lock' => all,
						'show_in_rest' => true,
						'template' => array(
							array( 'core/image', array(
							'align' => 'left',
							) ),
							array( 'core/heading
							', array(
							'align' => 'right',
							) ),
							array( 'core/heading', array(
							'placeholder' => 'Price',
							) ),
							array( 'core/paragraph', array(
							'placeholder' => 'Property Description',
						) ),
				register_post_type( 'property', $args );
			add_action( 'init', 'sidetrack_register_property_post_type' );
Block Templates


				'show_in_rest' => true,',

Add placeholder text

Block Templates


				'placeholder' => 'Listing price',

Add placeholder text

Block Templates


				'align' => 'left',

Block Alignment

Block Templates


				'template_lock' => 'all',

Locks blocks so admin can't move or insert

Block Templates


				'template_lock' => 'insert',

Locks blocks so admin can't insert new blocks but can move blocks in the template.

Block Template Benefits

Modular Design

					$post_type_object->template = array(
					array( 'core/media-text' ),
					array( 'core/heading' ),
					array( 'core/list' ),
					array( 'core/paragraph' ),

By creating block templates we can more clearly see the modular components of our sites.

Block Template Benefits

Better User Experience

By eliminating the options, the admin user can quickly get this listing onto the site.

The Future

To Boldy Go

What will applying the block experience
across WordPress look like?
How is this accomplished?

Block-Based Themes

Block-Based Theme Templates

Full Site Editing

Global Styles

Block-Based Themes

What is a Block-Based Theme?

A WordPress theme created with HTML files built entirely with blocks. Block-based themes are minimal html structures that provide the containers for rendering blocks in the browser.

Block-Based Themes

Block-based Theme Structure

			|__ style.css
			|__ functions.php
			|__ block-templates
			  |__ index.html
			  |__ single.html
			  |__ archive.html
			  |__ ...
			|__ block-template-parts
			  |__ header.html
			  |__ footer.html
			  |__ sidebar.html
			  |__ ...
Block-Based Themes

Block-Based Theme




Block-Based Themes

Block-Based Theme
Block Templates

Very different than how we create templates now, in that they do not have typical post_content.

Block-Based Themes

Theme Blocks


Made specifically for block-based themes, they provide the dynamic content areas like post_content previously displayed from the_loop.

Block-Based Themes

Theme Blocks

Post Content

Post Author

Post Comments Count

Post Comments Form

Post Excerpt

Post Featured Image

Post Tags

Full Site Editing

What is Full Site Editing?


An evolution of the editing experience allowing all areas of the site including header, footer, navigation to be edited from the Admin Dashboard. You can test it from the Site Editor Beta under the experimental flag in the Gutenberg Plugin.

Full Site Editing

Creating Block Theme Templates

1 > Create new under Appearance/Template Parts

2 > Apply styling using the editor

3 > Add block style variations and theme CSS

4 > Copy and paste code from code editor
into an .html file saved in
block-templates-parts folder

Full Site Editing

Progressive Enhancements

Block Theme Templates share the same naming convention as current theme structures and represent another layer on top of the current template hierarchy.

This could allow theme authors to make progressive enhancements using both html and php page templates if necessary.

Full Site Editing

More Power Mr. Scott

FSE could put a lot of design control into the hands of the user — both a positive and a negative.

Full Site Editing

Naked Template

Full Site Editing

Global Styles

Global Styles is currently in development and will allow for styling across a theme.

Full Site Editing


Nothing is set in stone. The more we test and iterate the stronger the experience will become.

Full Site Editing

Theme Experiments

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